Guillermo Alexander, PhD
Guillermo’s current research and studies are designed to provide insights into the mechanisms underlying exaggerated pain states. He is a professor at Drexel University College of Medicine with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, Masters in Biomedical Engineering, and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering. He also served four years as an officer in the air force and lead engineer of the National Parachute Test Center.
Nicole Caccavo
Nicole graduated with a BS in biology from Ursinus College where she was actively involved in developmental biology. Since graduation, she has worked as an embryologist for Crozer Keystone Health System, and as a Research Technician working with animal models for Charles River Laboratories. Nicole feels that work with the Center of Hope Research Lab is a perfect combination of her skill sets learned from previous positions –
working with human and mouse genetics. With a family history of Alzheimer’s, she realizes the importance of the research going into neurodegenerative diseases and the impact the furthering of the science impacts the discovery into neuroscience cures. Nicole looks forward to increasing her skills in the area of ALS and one day being a part of the answer to the puzzle of finding a cause and cure for ALS.